
Cuentacuentos en The London Academy

El cuentacuentos es una actividad creada y desarrollada por TLA para ofrecer a sus alumnos y sus padres cuentos escritos por Matthew Wood y narrados por […]

Words you should be using in English

Now that you have mastered all the basics of the English language, you can start impressing people around you with some nice-sounding but also beautiful words […]

Phrasal verbs

A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition, or both. Typically, their meaning is not obvious […]


  What is an idiom? An idiom is a phrase but it is different from other phrases in that you can’t understand its meaning from the […]

Links for practise online

Below you’ll find a great selection of links for you and your children to practise English online.

Inauguramos nueva academia de Inglés en Badajoz

Me gustaría comenzar agradeciendo a todas las personas que han hecho posible la nueva apertura de TLA. Gracias a su extraordinario y duro trabajo podemos ofreceros […]